Just in Six Days!

In this blog contain notes and reflections by Justin Nicolas on Anthropology. Resources for BS Sociology students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Attention BSIE 2-1 and MK 2-3 Officers

Dear class officers:

I hold you responsible for reminding your classmates about the online midterm examinaiton. Also, please email me your claslist with student numbers. The class directory will do, as long as student numbers are indicated. PLease include all irregular classmates enrolled in the course.


Justin Nicolas

Friday, December 14, 2007

PY 100 Midterm Examination. Attention BSIE 2-1 and MK 2-3

Deas BSIE 2-1 and MK 2-3:

PLease answer the following using the MSWord format. Assign a filename indicating your name and section: (Ex. PY100MT_JohnQPublicMK2-3). Email the file as an attachement to angsosyoklasrum@yahoo.com

1) Consider this scenario. You are a supervisor in your company and you notice this employee who is in his middle years, single, and almost two years as a regular employee in the company. YOu observed that he is slow in understanding the complany rules, he often forgets regulations, and have to be reminded of his duties. On the other hand, you also admire his creative ideas and numerouys suggestions on how to go about things in the company. Most of his ideas sound plausible and in fact you have implemented some of them.

Question: From a biological perspective, how will you explain the inability of the employee to grasp company policies yet he is able to suggest a lot of new ideas to the company? What part of his brain dominates his performance at work? (10 points)

2) List and define the stages of Eric Erikson stating in matrix form the following: age, stage, description per stage, example from personal experience. IN the last column, you will cite instances that will prove Erikson's theory. For example, you are not a trusting person. Site specific examples why you are not trusting. Look for the stage in Erikson's theory that will explain why you did not deveop mush trust in people. (40 points)

3) OBserve a child between o-12 years old for one day. List the abilities that you observed and relate it to the abilities of a child in Jean Piaget's stages. Does Piaget's theory apply to the Filipino child development. Does his description per age bracket fit with the abililites that you observed. Explain your answer. If the abilities do not match the age group you observed, suggest a new age bracketing for the four stages of jean Piaget. (30 points)

PLease email your answers on or before December 21, 2007.

Thank you and Merry Chrsitmas!

Justin V. Nicolas

Monday, December 10, 2007

Psychology Examination

Dear MK 2-3 and IE 2-1:

I will be posting an online examination later this week. Please accomplish the essay in an MSWord format (.doc) and please email the answers to angsosyoklasrum@yahoo.com.

For MK 2-3, we still might be able to meet on THursday, December 13, 2007 since the graduation rites were moved to Friday.

For IE 2-1, we might not be able to meet Friday, so pleas answer the online examination that will be posted later this week. The examination will be on developmental stages so please read on Jean Piaget, George Herbert MEad and Eric Erickson.

Thank you.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

AN 120 Political Anthropology Intellectual paper

Dear Students:

Most probably, you will be the last batch to take up this course. The subject might be removed from our curriculum. In lieu of the events in the past weeks, we will not be presenting our papers anymore, nor am I requiring you to submit a hardcopy (printed version).

In this regard, please email your term papers this weekend so I can prepare your grades.

Thank you for this semester.

Justin Nicolas

Monday, January 23, 2006

Political Anthropology Conflict Resolution

(These notes fall under the general topic of Political Processes which include choosing a leader, decision making, and conflict resolution.)

PLease study these and the case studies found in your photocopied notes. Thanks. Justin

2ND SEMESTER SY 2005-2006



avoidance – Violence can often be avoided if the parties to a dispute voluntarily avoid each other or are separated until emotions cool down.

community action – involves action by a group or the community as a whole; collective action is common in simpler societies that lack powerful authoritarian leaders.

negotiation – resoling disputes by coming to a settlement themselves

mediation – when an outsider or third party is brought in to help bring about settlement, but that third party does not have the formal authority to force a settlement. Both negotiation and mediation is likely when the society is relatively egalitarian and it is important for people to get along.

ritual reconciliation/ apology – based on deference of when the guilty party shows obeisance and asks forgiveness. Such ceremonies tend to occur in recent chiefdoms. (Fijian of the South Pacific- I soro or surrender)

oaths and ordeals – the act of calling upon a diety to bear witness to the truth of what one says; ordeal is a means used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control. (ex. Rwala Bedouin)

adjudication, courts and codified laws

adjudication – when a third party acting as a judge makes a decision that the disputing parties have to accept. Judgement may be rendered by one person (judge), a panel of judges, a jury, or a political agent or agency (a chief, a royal personage, a council)

Courts are often open to an audience, but they need not be. Judges and courts may rely on codified law and stipulated punishments, but codified law is not necessary for decisions to be made. Our own society relies heavily on codified law and courts to resolve disputes peacefully, but courts often if not usually, rely on precedent – that is, the outcomes of previous, similar cases. (Western societies; Ashantis of West Africa)

A.R. Radcliffe-Brown- in small, closely knit communities there is little need for formal legal guidelines because competing interests are minimal. Hence, simple societies need little codified law.


individual violence – use of violent behavior to control behavior/ use of punishment (ex child violence)

feuding – (example of how individual self-help may not lead to a peaceful resolution of conflict) is a state of recurring hostilities between families or groups of kin, usually motivated by a desire to avenge an offense – whether insult, injury, deprivation, or death – against a member of the group. The most common characteristic of the feud is that responsibility to avenge is carried by all members of the kin group. The killing of any member of the offender’s group is considered appropriate revenge, because the kin group as a whole is regarded as responsible.

raiding – is a short-term use of force. Planned and organized, to realize a limited objective. This objective is usually the acquisition of goods, animals, or other forms of wealth belonging to another, often neighboring community; especially prevalent in pastoral societies, in which cattle, horses, camels, or other animals are prized and an individual’s own herd can be augmented by theft.

large-scale confrontations – involve a large number of persons and planning by both sides of strategies of attack and defense. Large scale warfare is usually practiced among societies with intensive agriculture or industrialization. Only these societies posses a technology sufficiently advanced to support specialized armies, military leaders, strategies, and so on. But large scale confrontations are not limited to state societies: They occur, for example, among the horticultural Dugum Dani of Central New Guinea.

warfare - in preindustrial times was caused by fear of expectable but unpredictable natural disasters (e.g. droughts, floods, locust infestations) that will destroy food resources. People think they can protect themselves against such disasters ahead of time by taking things from defeated enemies; most likely to occur in tribes and smaller societies than complex societies; relevant to political economy..

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

AN 120 Political Anthropology

Dear Students (BSS 4-2):

Medyo busy lang ako ngayon pero abangan n'yo na lang ang notes on variation of political structures and political processes dito sa blog. Baka next week (or this week kung sipagin ako) ko mai-post.

Maligayang bagong taon sa lahat!


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Term Paper Topics

Dear AN 120 students:

I want to read your proposals for your term paper on this subject. PLease email them to me before December 12, 2005. If ever I am not around on Dec. 12 or Dec 19, I will post my lecture notes on this page.



AN 120 Political Anthropology

Dear Students:

I am currently handling the class on Political Anthropology. I will try to post my notes on this page, if time allows me.

Meanwhile, I would like to hear from you about your thoughts on non-violent conflict resolution.

Please email your refelections . Thanks.

Happy Holidays!
